Customized Digital Business Cards
Grow your client base by providing them an easy way to share your business details.
Go Digital!
Your card where it belongs, in your cell phone.
Eco Friendly
By using our service for a year, you can help save up to 3 trees and conserve over 60 gallons of water per card.
Change your data at any time at no cost! Forget about printing them again.
Wow your clients with cutting-edge innovation, proudly display your business as digitally savvy and brilliantly intelligent!
QR Codes
You will receive a QR code to share your card. Print it on banners, posters or t-shirts.

Get customers to come to you!
Your business thrives as it gets more recommendations, and with our digital cards, sharing happens in a snap via WhatsApp!
We have an incredible catalog of styles that perfectly suit your business, offering a tailor-made solution
It only takes ONE click!
Boost your sales by reaching more people. The more they get to know you, the more they'll recommend you
Our cards will help you showcase your business and your personal experience like no website will be able to do.
PADBeecards gives you a way to easily, elegantly, modernly and effectively reach these customers who are looking for you.

Join the thousands of businesses
already using PADBeecards We are present in 5 countries around the world

Since I started sharing my card on LinkedIn, I keep getting new referrals.
Sofia C.
Graphic Designer

My clients share my card with everyone they know, since I've been using it, I get a lot of calls from new clients.
Carlos H.
Insurance Agent

I used to give a lot of cards but nobody called me, but since I got my digital card I get a lot of calls. I didn't believe it.
Fabiola G.
Yoga Instructor

I have my QR code printed in my office reception, my patients share my card all the time with their acquaintances.
Lorena F.
Discover how to use it!
Learn about the incredible ways you can reach more people and increase your sales.
Frequently Asked Questions
Es una mini-página web a las que tus clientes entran mediante un código QR par que te contacten.
Las tarjetas de presentación digitales son el reemplazo de las tarjetas de presentación tradicionales de papel, en lugar de traer contigo un montón de tarjetas para tus clientes, siempre la tendrás en tu celular.
It's the fastest way to introduce yourself and let your customers know your profile, your contact details, your website or your social networks. In your card you can integrate a digital catalog or a list of services, a video or a gallery of works.
See a sample card here.
To name a few:
- They are never outdated. If you don't already have a business phone number or website or your business email address, you can change it without having to reprint hundreds of cards.
- They are easy to share. Your customers only need to share with their friends the link to your card via text message or whatsapp.
- They give you information. You will receive a monthly report in your e-mail inbox about the performance of your digital cards. This way you can know every time someone sees your card, with this you can measure for example, the level of attraction in an expo or networking session, with this data you can generate KPI’s de vendedores o representates.
- Convierten lo físico en digital. Coloca tu código QR en un letrero físico, una lona en una propiedad, en la playera de tu personal o en un anuncio y acerca a los clientes a tu tarjeta digital o a la de tus representantes de ventas.
- Viven donde están tus clientes. Las tarjetas de presentación son tiradas a la basura por un 60% de los que las reciben, ahí queda tu inversión. Tu link a tu tarjeta de presentación vive en el celular de tus clientes, el lugar donde todo el mundo está todo el tiempo.
- Son interactivas. Son pequeñas páginas web interactivas que puedes cambiar con el tiempo para incluir nuevas ofertas de servicios o productos.
PADBee-cards son excelentes tarjetas de presentación para:
- Real Estate Agents
- Real Estate Advisors
- Coaches
- Arquitects
- Teachers
- Music Bands
- DJ’s
- Events businesses
- Logistic Businesses
- Real Estate Developments
- Agentes de Viajes
- Independent Proffessionals as:
- Plomeros
- Electricistas
- Constructores
- Contratistas
- Cualquier persona que ofrezca un servicio.
- Vendedores
Contamos con más de 10 diseños diferentes de tarjetas para cada tipo de profesión, al momento de solicitar la tuya te haremos ajustes para reflejar tu profesión.
Si necesitas un diseño personalizado, podemos hacerlo en el nivel para EMPRESAS.
Sí. A lo largo del servicio de tu tarjeta podrás hacer cambios de datos de contacto.